Stopping Google Sync From Uploading My Cd Rom

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how to stop google drive from syncing

  • How to Stop Google Drive From Syncing
    • 1. Stop Syncing via Google Drive on Browser
    •  2. Turn Off Syncing via Google Drive Backup & Sync Preferences
    • iii. How to Stop Google Drive From Syncing Folders
  • Final Thoughts: How to Stop Google Drive Sync
  • Comments

Google Drive is 1 of the all-time cloud storage services available, and file syncing is simply ane of the many costless features it comes with. However, not everyone will desire to sync their information all the fourth dimension. In this commodity, nosotros'll explain how to finish Google Drive from syncing to your PC estimator, both through your browser and the "backup and sync" application.

Fundamental Takeaways:

  • To save infinite on your figurer or prevent constant uploads, you should turn off syncing in Google Drive.
  • You can disable offline access to your files through your browser.
  • The "backup and sync" app lets you break syncing speedily.
  • You can besides disable syncing long term for some or all folders within the "preferences" window.

Being able to sync files easily between any device — even with a Mac or smartphone — is one of the many benefits of using Google Drive. Although this can be incredibly helpful for creating a fill-in, information technology does limit your ability to salvage space, and y'all can yet share files without syncing to your account.

If you want to stop using Google Drive completely, you tin can merely click the "disconnect account" push and sign back in when yous next need to apply information technology. However, this also makes it harder to share or upload files. Instead, we recommend that you modify your settings, limiting it to set folders or turning some features off.

  • Google Drive is a deject storage provider, mainly known for its generous 15GB gratuitous programme and the full integration with Google Workspace. As a deject storage service, its main purpose is to store your data on remote servers so that you lot tin can download, edit and share your data from any device.

  • Google Drive will keep local copies of certain files then that you can work on them while offline. However, you'll accept to download the "backup and sync" desktop app to go on your drive and your estimator in sync automatically.

  • When yous ready a file to sync with Google Bulldoze, any changes you make while yous're online will be applied to both copies. However, if you're offline, it volition save your changes until your device can access the internet and move the edits to the cloud.

  • The "fill-in and sync" app lets yous pause syncing rapidly. However, y'all tin besides disable syncing for folders within the "preferences" window. Come across our detailed steps below for instructions.

How to Finish Google Drive From Syncing

There are iii main ways to cease syncing Google Drive to your PC computer. The showtime prevents offline edits from within your browser, while the other 2 limit Google'due south "backup and sync" app.

1. Terminate Syncing via Google Drive on Browser

The first and simplest way to stop your files from syncing is to plough it off in your browser. This will prevent you from editing whatever Google Docs, Sheets or Slides while you're offline. However, you will withal be able to download these files or access them through Google'southward "fill-in and sync" app.

 2. Plow Off Syncing via Google Drive Fill-in & Sync Preferences

If you want Google Bulldoze to stop syncing to your computer, you should either suspension it or turn it off in the "fill-in and sync" app preferences.

  1. Open the "Fill-in and Sync" Panel

    In the Windows organisation tray, there will be an icon for "backup and sync." This will open a panel where you tin access some helpful tools and options.

    google drive stop backup and sync panel

    Click on the "backup and sync" cloud icon in the system tray.

  2. Open up the "Preferences" Window

    Click on the three dots in the acme-correct corner of this panel to open a dropdown menu. Y'all tin "pause" and "resume" syncing here — a temporary solution that many other services provide, including OneDrive — but for more control, you should cull "preferences."

    google drive stop backup and sync preferences

    Select either "suspension" for a quick solution or "preferences" for more control.

  3. Disable "Sync My Drive to This Calculator"

    In the "preferences" window, click on the "Google Drive" tab, find a box labeled "sync my drive to this reckoner" and uncheck it. This volition suspension syncing until you turn it dorsum on.

    google drive stop backup and sync uncheck box

    Uncheck the starting time box in the "Google Drive" tab to disable syncing.

  4. Confirm You Desire to Finish Syncing

    When you click "OK" to ostend the changes, a warning box volition appear to tell you that your files won't sync anymore. Click "continue" to finish this process.

    google drive stop backup and sync confirm

    Click "go along" to ostend that you don't want the files to sync.

three. How to End Google Bulldoze From Syncing Folders

You lot tin also cull to remove any private binder if yous desire Google's "backup and sync" to keep some of your files online but not anything else. Keep in mind that whatsoever file or new folder you put into your general "Google Bulldoze" folder will begin to sync automatically.

  1. Select "Sync Simply These Folders" in the "Preferences" Window

    Use the previous method to find the "preferences" window and get into the "Google Drive" tab. Here you tin cull to "sync only these folders."

    google drive stop part sync only these folders

    Check the "sync only these folders" box in the "Google Drive" tab.

  2. Choose the Folders Y'all Desire to Sync

    Become through your folders and uncheck annihilation you don't want to backup. Yous should check this regularly if you don't desire a new folder to sync.

    google drive stop part sync choose your folders

    Cull what you want to sync betwixt your figurer and the cloud.

  3. Confirm You Desire to Terminate These Folders From Syncing

    Clicking "OK" to confirm these changes volition cause a warning box to appear and tell you that some of your files won't sync anymore. Click "continue" to have this and stop the process.

    google drive stop part sync confirm

    Confirm your changes past clicking "OK" and so "go along."

Final Thoughts: How to Stop Google Bulldoze Sync

Online storage is useful, and keeping a fill-in of your files in the cloud can help prevent data loss or accidental deletion, but that doesn't mean you'll always want files to upload constantly. Luckily, in that location are plenty of means to stop syncing Google Bulldoze, regardless of whether you prefer to work through a browser or use the "backup and sync" desktop app.

However, if you're having problems with how files sync with Google Drive, y'all should attempt out a unlike provider. Dropbox is one of the best if you lot can make use of its "smart sync" and ability to share. However, cloud storage providers like pCloud and are cracking choices for the extra security and better pricing plans.

Take you lot stopped Google Drive from syncing? Did you find this article helpful? Let usa know your thoughts in the comments section below. Thanks for reading.


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